Log into your WORKSTATION (<click workstation to go there! All CAP words that are a different color are LINKS!), get familiar with your back office. Complete your FIRST THINGS FIRST CHECKLIST in the first 24-48 hours.

Create your own "party" aka your launch party to get all the hostess rewards + commission on all orders. Thats a perk of being a consultant freebies!! Watch the video HERE

Brainstorm and create your list of contacts, watch this amazing video on "LIST OF 100"

Through your first 70 days you will receive a series of emails from scentsy.

Amazing documents, training and information on our NEW CONSULTANT GOOGLE DRIVE.

Your CONSULTANT GUIDE is your Scentsy bible and has everything you need to know. **This will also come in your scentsy kit. Make sure you read this front to back.

Don't forget to create your LAUNCH PLAN!! Creating your WHY and setting goals is going to keep you pushing and going for more.

Save Scentsy Home Office Support # into your phone, 1-877-855-0617. Can also get this number on the SUPPORT tab on your workstation, with a LIVE chat feature, and filing a support ticket.

Get familiar with your back office, aka your workstation when you have spare time. The TRAINING TAB is amazing. Scentsy literally gives you every ounce of info you need to have a successful business. Be open to learning through your whole scentsy journey.
A ton of amazing leaders in scentsy share their tips and training videos on YouTube.