Jump right into your business! GET PUMPED! Don't waste a second waiting on your kit to arrive to start. The average scentsy order is ~$50. Make a list of 10-15 people ASAP who you know you can count on to support your new business journey + love their house smelling amazing. Let them know you are now their go to scentsy person, and you would love their support launching your business. You have what it takes- GO EARN THAT SHOOTING STAR AWARD!
Earning SHOOTING STAR is such an amazing accomplishment. It is also the halfway point in earning your first promotion and lifetime commmission increase from 20% to 25% FOR LIFE! (hello more $!)
* annouce your new journey from the rooftops! * thank every person that orders on your launch/ VIP page. * share fun little updates on how close you are getting towards your goals and new consultant incentives * ask your friends and family to share your samples with their coworkers, friends, or have a reward link to earn free and half off scentsy * keep adding to that list of contacts (keep track of them)
WHAT I WISH I KNEW WHEN I STARTED That I could sponsor / Invite a friend immediately and do this alongside each other!