Your PWS is free for 3 months! After that it is $15 a month and is a tax write off! PWS =  Personal Website

You don't need to wait on your starter kit to arrive to hit the ground running!

You can start planning your launch party and working on a VIP group now!

Youtube has SO many great training videos about Scentsy if you're wanting to learn more!

If they smell it, you will sell it! Samples can help kickstart your business SO much!
(Just be sure to follow up on them after sending)

Don't get discouraged if your friends and family aren't your best customers. Finding new customers is key for the future!

If you like incentives like ME!, Scentsy has one going on at almost all times.

We get paid on the 9th of every month! WOO!

This business, your paycheck and what you get OUT of this business are a direct correlation of what you invest IN! You are in charge!